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It was just another Simon and Garfunkel song...

We made it to the ranch last night and spent a wonderful evening with good food, good conversation and family. Early to rise, we set out to look at three different properties for the Phrog and Munkey Artist Retreat. We were met in the little town of Richland Springs by a very nice realtor and driven to the three properties in his brand new Ford pickup. We toured the properties and although it was not the one that had waterfront property, one had nice potential. Mind you we never got out of the truck due to the cold weather. We left the realtor on Hwy 45 and headed off toward home. We soon found ourselves singing Slip Sliding Away as the temperature plummeted, the sky started dripping and the roads became hazardous. Tom did an amazing job of getting us from Brownwood to Stephenville and across a very treacherous stretch of highway between Stephenville and I20. Once we got to I20 we were able to speed up to 55 and made it home safely. The pictures below are of the one property that we thought had potential but they were obviously not taken today. More adventures to come...

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